Most frequently asked questions

Where can I buy 96NORTH products?

Our products are currently available exclusively on Amazon.com. All items that are in stock and available for purchase can be found here.

Do you offer Prime shipping?

As a proud FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) partner, all of our products purchased through Amazon.com are Prime-eligible for Amazon Prime customers.

For non-Prime customers, standard Amazon shipping options are available.

Please note that all of our orders are picked, packed, and shipped by Amazon. If you have any questions about the status or delivery of an order, please contact Amazon Customer Service as we have limited visibility into order fulfillment.

What is your return policy?

It’s important to us that every customer love their purchase. If you aren’t satisfied with the product you receive, returns are accepted for any reason.

As an FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) partner, our returns are managed by the Amazon Customer Service team. Please refer to Amazon’s return policy information for details about how to start a return. If you ever encounter any challenges with your return, please feel free to contact us directly at [email protected].

I received a damaged or unsatisfactory product. What can I do?

All 96NORTH products are thoroughly inspected by our Quality Control team before shipment into the Amazon.com fulfillment network. However, products do occasionally become damaged in transit after their quality inspection.

If you receive a damaged or broken product, simply request a replacement product through Amazon.com, and a new product will be sent to you free of charge.

If the product you receive is unsatisfactory for any other reason, please send us an email detailing your concerns to [email protected]. Customer feedback is important to us and we will do our best to make things right.